All you need is:
1. Gift paper of choice
2. Cardboard box
3. Sticky notes
4. Craft items to decorate
5. Pictures
6. Scissors
I started with wrapping the box in gift paper. Then I stuck the pictures on all sides and wrote small notes and wishes on each of the sticky note.
I then folded his cash coupons inside envelopes with items drawn that I wished to gift him and presto!!!
Birthday box of surprises is ready!
Here are some pics
Inside bottom
It was a hurriedly put gift but managed to be a saving grace!
Thanks to some great craft collectibles from papermarket singapore ( they have the loveliest stationery) that saved the day!
Now we are waiting for a chance to spend the moolah on the presents😍
So if you have less than 15 mins to ready a gift this may just be your thing!